La Collection Cartier : Objets précieux

François CHAILLE, Franco COLOGNI, Flammarion, 2012

This third opus, devoted to precious objects, brings together creations from the Cartier Collection from the 19th century to the end of the 1980s, the Must de Cartier period. John Pierpont Morgan’s smelling salts vial (1904), the Grand Duchess Xenia’s candy dish (1908), Aga Khan III’s letter opener (1913), aviator Dieudonné Costes’s cigarette case (1928), Jean Cocteau’s academician’s sword (1955), the lunar module of the Apollo 11 astronauts (1969)… The book reveals an exceptional collection of writing instruments, commemorative objects, and jewelry accessories which bear witness to both the art of living according to Cartier and its stylistic development.

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